A dashingly handsome man in a brown leather jacket and sparkling glasses looking at the camera with a big pretentious smile while crossing his arms. As if he were a CEO or something, but a minimum wage grad student in reality. A blurred university building is in the background. As if he is flexing on his degree, but he doesn't believe in degrees -- what an irony!! See Midjourney generated image on this prompt: bit.ly/3KX0Db8

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. @Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Linköping University, Sweden, as a Marie Curie Fellow (ESR) under the PRIME-ITN, supervised by Prof. Jonas Unger.

Specific focus of my research is on the development of material capture and model from real world objects and scenes, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, DL.


  • Currently building BRDF Measurment, a new sampling method with AI.
Wen Cao 🔊

wen.cao 🌖 liu.se
PhD Student, Computer Science
Linköping University




  • [2021 - ] Ph.D,Computer Science, Linköping University,Sweden
  • [2013 - 2016] Master, Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China
  • [2012 - 2008] Bachelor, Physical Sciences, China University of Mining and Technology, China


  • [Spring, 2023] Lab Assitant for TNG033,Programming in C++, Linköping University
  • [Spring, 2023] Lab Assitant for TNG012,Programming, Linköping University
Plain Academic